Letos smo na konferenci GENETIKA 2024 podelili nagrade za najboljši poster, Zlati kromosom in najboljše predavanje v okviru tekmovanja za Zlati kromosom.
Vsem nagrajencem ISKRENO ČESTITAMO!
Upravni odbor SGD
The 10th Congress of the Genetic Society of Slovenia (GSS) and the 10th Meeting of the Slovenian Society for Human Genetics (SSHG) with international participation entitled GENETIKA 2024 will take place at the Faculty of Tourism Studies - Turistica in Portorož from September 25th to 28th, 2024.
The congress will present the latest discoveries and the most current challenges in all areas of genetics, including human genetics, plant genetics, animal genetics, genetics of microorganisms, environmental and forensic genetics. The congress will bring together most of the Slovenian researchers in the field of genetics and related areas. This year there will also be a strong international participation. The annual meeting of the Genetic Society of Slovenia will also be held during the congress.
As traditionally, the Congress will host the Golden Chromosome Award, where young researchers up to the age of 35 will present their research work.