Maja Čemažar (OI LJ) & Damjan Glavač (MF, UNI LJ)
Plenary Lecture:
Expanding the therapeutic index of adoptive T cell therapy for solid cancer | Daniel J. Powell Jr. (University of Pennsylvania, USA)
Invited Lecture:
Integration of biomechanical and biochemical risk factors in glaucoma: TGFß2 and TRPV4 | David Križaj (University of Utah, USA)
Invited Lecture:
Postnatal cortical development and regeneration in opossum (Monodelphis domestica): potential connection with neurodegenerative diseases | Jelena Ban & Miranda Mladinić Pejatović (University of Rijeka, HR)
Influence of genetic variability of inflammatory pathways on the susceptibility and course of spinal muscular atrophy | Maruša Barbo
Transcriptomic profiling and comparative analysis of EA.HY926 and HMEC-1 endothelial cell lines: investigating the impact of calcium electroporation and Ca2+ signaling | Barbara Lisec
Invited Lecture:
The use of NGS for the diagnosis of rare diseases | Maruša Debeljak
Invited Lecture:
The effects of irradiation on tumour endothelial cells | Boštjan Markelc (OI LJ)
Distinction of athlete's heart and cardiomyopathy in asymptomatic young athletes | Špela Stangler Herodež
Comprehensive genetic analysis of slovenian families with multi-generational orofacial clefts | Nataša Karas Kuželički
Keynote Lecture:
Enhancing AI-based Chemical Screens for 'Undruggable' Cancer Targets Using Quantum Models | Igor Štagljar (University of Toronto)
Invited Lecture:
Genetic predisposition to cancer - the use of genetic tests in the assessment of cancer risk | Mateja Krajc (OI LJ)
Invited Lecture:
Slovenian contribution to discovery of novel genes for human genetic disorders | Aleš Maver (UKC LJ)
Spatial transcriptomics on glioblastoma organoid model as a personalized tool for therapy research response | Metka Novak
Markers of HPV-positive and HPV-negative squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx, identified by in situ spatial profiling of RNA targets | Emanuela Boštjančič
Invited Lecture:
Developing vaccines based on DNA-electroporation: advantages and pitfalls | Luigi Aurisicchio (Takis Biotech)
Treatment of skin tumors with intratumoral interleukin 12 gene electrotransfer in the head and neck region: a first-in-human clinical trial | Gregor Sersa
Unlocking regulatory T cell potential: from ex vivo expansion to single cell profiling | Jelka Pohar
The iToci story: autonomous amelioration of cytokine release syndrome by CAR-T cells | Anže Smole
Modulation of canine adipose-derived mesenchymal stem / medicinal signaling cells with ascorbic acid: effect on proliferation and chondrogenic differentiation on standard plastic and silk fibroin surfaces | Metka Voga
Invited Lecture:
Pharmacogenetic precision dosing in polypharmacy - genotyping or phenotyping? | Julia Carolin Stingl (University Bonn)
Molecular biomarkers for personalized treatment of malignant mesothelioma | Katja Goričar
Single-cell transcriptomic and targeted genomic profiling reveal CRTAM and PLCB1 as novel HUB genes for anti-TNFα therapy response in Crohn's disease | Mario Gorenjak
Transcriptomic analysis of immune response to intratumoral delivery of control plasmid dna via gene electrotransfer using two pulse protocols in colon cancer | Tim Božič
The ENST00000374459 RasGEF1A isoform downregulation identified by isoform-level transcriptomics in PBMCs of breast cancer patients is associated with tumor proliferation and ctDNA shedding | Helena Čelešnik
Invited Lecture:
Genomics tools enhance wildlife conservation and management | Elena Bužan (UP FAMNIT)
Back from the brink: genetic erosion, genetic rescue, and long-term management of the reintroduced Dinaric Lynx (Lynx Lynx) population | Tomaž Skrbinšek
Genetic elements in the genome of Choloepus didactylus associated with reproduction, bisynthesis of mitochondria and lactation | Peter Dovč
Maternal effect: transcriptome differences in unfertalized EGGS between wild and hatchery grayling (T. thymallus) | Jernej Bravničar
Effect of raly gene on coat colour in equids | Jelena Kotiščak
Invited Lecture:
The Slovenian genome project | Borut Peterlin
ProBiS tools: bridging sequences to structures for unraveling harmful variants in protein binding sites | Janez Konc
Transcription-decay decomposition of mRNA dynamics as an autoencoder loss function | Martin Špendl
European genomic data infrastructure (GDI) PROJECT with the USECASE: Genome of EUROPE | Lucija Raspor DallOlio
Spatial transcriptomics discoveries of human pathologies using xenium analyzer | Kaja Blagotinšek Cokan
Keynote Lecture:
Microphysiological platforms for modeling and treating rare and inherited vascular diseases | William J. Polacheck (UNC Chapel Hill, NC State University, USA)
Complete transcriptome analysis reveals the impact of a vitamin A-enriched diet on urothelial proliferation in cyclophosphamide-induced acute cystitis | Brina Dragar
RNA-seq analysis of skin sampled by non-invasive tape strips revealed differences between trunk, extremities and scalp psoriasis | Martina Krušič
Integrating automated and manual annotation techniques for accurate cell type identification in single-cell RNA sequencing data | Gloria Krajnc
Identification of mastitis resistance candidate genes in ruminants | Zala Brajnik Kovačič
Methylation markers for characterization and determination of the cancer origin in liver adenocarcinomas | Tina Draškovič
In vitro evaluation of mRNA gene electrotransfer in B16F10 and CT26 cells | Ajda Medved
Whole genome sequencing of composite populations of common bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.) differing in seed coat colour | Eva Plestenjak
Genetic variability in a Slovenian cohort of patients with erythrocytosis | Aleša Kristan
Metabarcoding analysis of wild boar (Sus scrofa) dietary preferences at rooting sites | Aja Bončina
Irradiation-induced immunologically relevant molecular and transcriptional changes in tumor endothelial cells | Iva Šantek
Use of in vitro and in vivo osteosarcoma models for evaluation of electrochemotherapy | Saša Kupčič
Ecotype as a conservation unit: Danubian lacustrine brown trout (Salmo Trutta) | Gašper Renko
Invited Lecture:
Role of small RNAs in interactions between pathogens and host plants | Nataša Štajner (UL BF)
Invited Lecture:
Unravelling potato abiotic stress responses using omics technologies | Marko Petek (NIB)
Citizen science approach to science: common bean example | Barbara Pipan
New achievements in the selection of promising genotypes in Helichrysum Italicum (Roth) G. Don in Slovenia | Alenka Baruca Arbeiter
Invited Lecture:
Animal forensic genetics in Hungary - challenges and developments | Petra Zenke (Uni Vet Med Budapest, Hungary)
From animal diet analysis to human food authentication: how DNA metabarcoding techniques used in ecological studies can help ensure food security | Tomaž Skrbinšek
Environmental DNA, camera traps and citizen science app for biodiversity monitoring | Luka Duniš
Development of CRISPR/CAS detection method for viroids in hops | Tanja Guček
Species identification in different field samples of exotic animal species | Saša Koprivec
Invited Lecture:
Control of Bacillus subtilis by phage regulatory switches | Anna Dragoš (BF, UNI LJ)
Invited Lecture:
Correlations between virulence-associated genes, LPS type and biofilm forming abilities of selected Escherichia coli strains | Marjanca Starčič Erjavec
Characterization of the microbial community of olive leaves affected by olive leaf spot disease | Matjaž Hladnik
Transcriptomic analysis of polysaccharide utilization loci reveals substrate preferences in ruminal generalists Segatella bryantii TF1-3 and Xylanibacter ruminicola KHP1 | Urška Murovec
Closing Lecture:
Biomedical data science in the age of AI | Blaž Zupan (FRI, UNI LJ, Baylor College)