Genetika 2024 Logo
10th Congress of the Genetic Society of Slovenia &
10th Meeting of the Slovenian Society for Human Genetics

Golden Chromosome Award

As part of the Congress a competition for the Golden Chromosome Award for young geneticists will be organized. The lecture section for the Golden Chromosome is intended to present the work of younger members of GSS who are at the beginning of their independent scientific path. Experience in previous years has shown that the Golden Chromosome lectures provide a good overview of current research projects, often involving colleagues from institutions abroad, and offer a good insight into the research dynamics among the younger members of GSS.
Traditionally, there will be a competition for the Golden Chromosome Award, in which we would be delighted to have as many participants as possible. All young researchers up to the age of 35 who have not completed more than one year since the defence of their doctoral thesis (thesis defence after 30th April 2023) can participate. A prerequisite for participation is that at least part of the research work was carried out in Slovenia. In case of a large number of applications, the GSS Golden Chromosome Award Committee will pre-select the candidates.
To apply for the Golden Chromosome Award, please select this option at the REGISTRATION or ABSTRACT SUBMISSION.

Evaluation criteria

The following criteria will be taken into account when selecting the winner:

Quality of the candidate's scientific research work in the past period (50% SICRIS-COBISS points)

The SICRIS-COBISS points are normalized and account for 50% of the total points.

Presentation of the work in the form of a 10-minute lecture at the Congress.

The presentation at the Congress will count for the other 50% of the points and will be awarded by the international Golden Chromosome Award committee.